Rematch between Roy Nelson and Cro Cop did not gave us so much excitement. Both fighters were forcing the clinch fight so we saw a lot of pushing against the cage. And in these situations Cro Cop was able to land couple of elbows and he looked stronger.
Nelson tried couple o times to go for take down but Cro Cop stopped all of these attempts.
However, in last seconds of last round Nelson finally manage to take Cro Cop down but it was too late for Nelson to do much.
Fight went to distance and the winner was Cro Cop by unanimous decision.
Interesting fact is that Cro Cop never lost a rematch. In his career he has 7 rematches and he won them all!
In cage interview Cro Cop said:
Roy is tough like always. It was more mentally hard for me than physically. It’s always hard to go into rematch when you lose the first fight.
Mirko CroCop has still never lost a rematch.
— Luke Thomas🏋️♀️ (@lthomasnews) February 17, 2019
💥😬Mirko Cro Cop is out here landing solid kicks in our co-main event!#BellatorWGP #Bellator216
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) February 17, 2019
Heavyweights goin at it! #Bellator216
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) February 17, 2019
Mirko Cro Cop vs gets the W tonight in his Bellator Debut.
Our main event is next on @DAZN_USA 📲 🇺🇸
& 📺 @SkySports Main Event 🇬🇧 right now!#BellatorWGP #Bellator216— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) February 17, 2019